PAM Wellness Solutions Mental Health & Wellbeing Resources

Our resources aim to find solutions to support your organisation and its employees.

Our quick links bar below offers simple navigation through our resources, with quick and easy access to our mental health blog, news, press releases, wellbeing guides, and webinar taster sessions.

Resource Library

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Press releases

Ensuring workers traumatised by the pandemic don’t suffer in silence

Our head of trauma and critical incidents, Deborah Pinchen, explains how best to support workers traumatised during the pandemic for the cover story of this month’s Occupational Health & Wellbeing.

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Press releases

Mental health initiatives must reach beyond the ‘worried well’

PAM Wellbeing’s Louise Abbs talks to the CIPD’s People Management magazine about why employers mustn’t just focus on those feeling anxious, but also the millions of people now sinking into despair.

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A man in a face mask with his head in his hands


Do your employees know how to deal with the symptoms of Long Covid?

Read how our Long Covid Group Workshop delivered online by our multidisciplinary team of experts can support your employees with Long Covid.

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A man in a yellow cardigan sits at a desk in front of a laptop. He holds his head in his hand.

Mental health blog

Mental Health: how to reach beyond the ‘worried well’

With millions of people now sinking into despair, make sure your mental health initiatives don’t just focus on those still able to help themselves. In our latest blog we share three ways to reach beyond the worried well.

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A woman holds her head in her hands and looks distressed.

Mental health blog

Employers will need to support traumatised employees

Find out how to recognise the symptoms of trauma, train managers how to spot people in distress and make people feel safe talking about how they’re feeling, so they can be directed towards appropriate support.

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Two people wearing face masks and bumping elbows to greet each other


The impact of the pandemic on the health of the workforce cannot be underestimated

PAM Group’s multidisciplinary team provide their expertise and guidance on supporting your people. Find out what you can do to support the physical and mental health of your workforce.

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Our Accreditations

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