Computerised CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) 

Positive lifestyle changes, such as getting more rest or time outdoors, aren’t always enough to restore mental health.  Common mental health disorders, such as stress, anxiety and depression, often require learning how to break negative thought patterns and behaviours. 

Our computerised CBT programme through SilverCloud is NICE approved. With over 40 programmes available, each session helps users to change the way they think or behave giving them the insights needed to reduce stress and feel less overwhelmed, both now and in the long term. 

Computerised CBT Features

Clinically sound

Developed by the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College, London team of eminent psychologists and psychiatrists.

Highly effective

Research shows that CBT is the most effective form of treatment for mild anxiety and depression. Online CBT is endorsed by the NICE and the NHS.

Constantly available

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, our digital CBT can also be accessed for an entire year. So users can easily revisit modules.

Reduce absence

Common mental health issues are the major cause of sickness absence in the UK. Providing CBT in the workplace can help 50-75% of people to recover.

SliverCloud cCBT dashboard

Computerised CBT case manager

Employees are supported and guided by a counsellor. 

Our computerised CBT courses empower individuals to work on their mental health in their own time and at home. Yet it is also fully supported by a counsellor. 

A PAM Wellness case manager provides ongoing support and guidance throughout the programme. Regularly checking in with the user to help them set and reach their goals. 


Computerised CBT pathways

Via the helpline

Our helpline counsellors often come across individuals who would benefit from learning some CBT techniques.

The counsellor will first explore how computerised CBT could work for them. Then individuals who want to progress this are given a link to our course. 

Return to Work Programme 

Our return-to-work services are designed to ensure employees receive the most effective, least intrusive and cost-efficient treatment.

If computerised CBT is considered an appropriate therapy, employees will be given access to this. So they can return to work, in the shortest time possible. 

What people say about PAM Wellness

Wellbeing is our number one priority. PAM have continually proved themselves willing to work with us to develop and deliver innovative and diverse solutions, turning our ideas into reality and ensuring that our service offer remains relevant and meets business need.

Department for Work & Pensions

Our Accreditations

AMII logo
Disability Confident Logo
EAP Association Logo